Saturday, August 28, 2010


Last night I was sitting on a bed under a mosquito net in the missionary house here in Tanzania and thinking about how far God has brought us in this great adventure of starting and running an orphanage in Tanzania. Reviewing the journey we have traveled together helps me to keep a proper perspective on the battle we are in daily. I have learned an important life principle in all of this...if you focus exclusively upon the current problem you are facing... you will never move forward. And you will quickly lose appreciation for the victories you have already won.
I can look back and think of the miraculous events which led to us initially finding a suitable place to open the orphanage here in Moshi, and then negotiating a lease and taking possession of the current home for Treasures of Africa. Many long months of refurbishing the building and fighting for the release of our shipping container from Customs at the port of Dar Es Salaam are two unforgettable memories from those early days. Working with the government authorities and eventually winning the Regional Welfare Officer's approval to begin accepting children through the doors at TOA are all part of the process which we will never forget. All of those events were laden with a mixture of struggle and exhilaration as we made our way through a frustrating learning curve of Tanzanian cultural do's and don'ts.
Four years later, I can rejoice over the end result - precious children rescued from poverty, disease and in some cases certain death, now thriving at Treasures of Africa Children's Home. Their happy faces, joyful spirits, healthy bodies and excellent academic progress all testify to the fact that the STRUGGLE HAS BEEN WORTH IT! Yet if we had focused on the incredible difficulty and problems we have faced, we would have shut it down before we opened it! (and several times along the way as well!)
I can look back and clearly see God's hand throughout this amazing journey, helping us along the way and teaching us to trust Him in the darkest hour amidst impossible situations. He has moved every mountain we have faced in the past and I trust that the seemingly impossible ones we are facing at this very moment are no match for His power.
Because of this, I can smile and plan ahead for the next important phase for the Treasures of Africa Children's Home - the purchase of land to build a permanent home for the orphanage. Today we went back to the 5 acre parcel we have found, just a few kilometers outside of Moshi town. This was the fourth day we have walked on it and prayed over it. I trust that God's plans for this place are awesome - to raise up godly and compassionate leaders for the nation of Tanzania. So we delight to trust God for the future in the midst of daily challenges.
So I am confident that the current financial challenges (mountains) will be moved and what is needed for the land and building project will be provided. None of that is too hard for God!  
Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You!
Jeremiah 32:17

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